5 trending technologies we should learn in 2024

Hoa Nguyen (hoaio)
7 min readMar 28, 2024


As we navigate through 2024, the technological landscape continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace. Staying updated with the latest trends is crucial for professionals, students, and enthusiasts alike.

This blog post show my overview of 5 key technologies that are set to dominate the industry, some sample solution, why we should learn, and where you can learn about them.

1. Quantum Computing

Quantum computing leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to solve problems unattainable by traditional computers. We’re now entering the era of quantum computing. This technology has the potential to revolutionize fields such as cryptography, drug discovery, and complex system simulation.


IBM, a leader in quantum computing, provides cloud-based access to their physical quantum processors, facilitating learning and experimentation. In 2023, IBM unveiled the groundbreaking 1,000-qubit quantum chip, marking a significant milestone in quantum computing capabilities. Following this achievement, IBM shifted their focus towards enhancing the error resistance of its quantum machines, prioritizing reliability and usability over merely increasing qubit count.

Why should we learn?

Understanding quantum computing now prepares you for the next wave of computational breakthroughs and opportunities in research and development. Many emerging fields driven by quantum computing, such as quantum machine learning and quantum software engineering, are becoming increasingly relevant in upcoming years.

Where to learn?

IBM Quantum Learning platform should be the one of the best place to start with when it comes to learning quantum computing. You can also check out my collection of several quantum computing learning materials here as well.

2. Generative AI

Generative AI, exemplified by technologies like GPT-4, is revolutionizing creative industries, software engineering, content generation, and problem-solving methodologies. It has the unique ability to create novel content, ranging from text to images, videos, and audio, based on its extensive training data. This technology is not just about automating tasks but also about enhancing creativity and innovation across various domains.


A notable example is ChatGPT, which demonstrates an advanced level of understanding and generates human-like text, opening up new possibilities in customer service, content creation, and beyond. Another example of generative AI’s capabilities is OpenAI’s DALL·E, an AI model that generates images from textual descriptions. This showcases the technology’s potential in creative fields by providing a tool to bring vivid imaginations to visual reality. You may have noticed that DALL· E generates all illustrated photos in this blog. Beside, ChatGPT also aided in revising this blog post.

Why should we learn?

Mastering Generative AI is crucial for those aiming to be at the forefront of AI-driven innovation. It opens up careers in software development and AI ethics and product design, marketing, and entertainment, where personalized and dynamic content generation can be a game-changer. Moreover, understanding Generative AI is essential for addressing and navigating the ethical considerations and societal impacts associated with AI-generated content.

Where to learn?

To dive deep into Generative AI, explore specialized courses offered on platforms such as Udemy, Coursera, Google Cloud, and edX, which cover the fundamentals and advanced topics. Additionally, platforms like OpenAI offer documentation and resources to get started with their models, including GPT and DALL·E, enabling learners to work on real-world projects and applications.

3. Sustainable Technologies

Sustainable technologies encompass a broad spectrum of innovations aimed at mitigating environmental challenges. This field includes renewable energy systems, green computing practices such as green cloud computing, and the development of sustainable materials.


Beyond Tesla, companies like Nissan, Chevrolet, BMW, and the emerging Vietnamese brand VinFast are expanding their electric vehicle (EV) lineups, showcasing a commitment to zero-emission transportation. These automakers are driving the industry’s shift towards sustainability by offering a diverse range of EVs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote cleaner, more sustainable mobility. Another significant example is the concept of green cloud computing, which focuses on reducing the carbon footprint of data centers. This is achieved through various strategies, including improving energy efficiency, utilizing renewable energy sources, and designing data centers to minimize environmental impact.

Why should we learn?

As climate change remains a critical global challenge, expertise in sustainable technologies is becoming increasingly crucial across multiple sectors, including energy, IT, and manufacturing. Understanding and implementing sustainable practices helps not only reduce the environmental impact but also achieve economic benefits through efficiency improvements and energy savings.

Where to learn?

Platforms like edX and Coursera provide access to a wide range of courses on sustainable development, environmental science, and green technology from renowned universities worldwide. These courses cover essential topics such as sustainable energy systems, the principles of green computing, and the development of environmentally friendly materials. Additionally, specialized websites and organizations focused on sustainability often offer webinars, workshops, and certifications in areas like green cloud computing, offering foundational knowledge and insights into cutting-edge research and practices.

4. Phygital Convergence

Phygital convergence represents the merging of physical and digital realms, crafting integrated experiences that elevate consumer engagement and streamline operations. This trend is redefining interactions in retail, entertainment, education, and more by creating environments where digital and physical elements coexist seamlessly.


Apple’s Vision Pro stands as a prime example. This innovative device merges augmented reality (AR) with real-world interactions, offering users a unique and immersive experience that epitomizes the fusion of digital content with the tangible environment. Similarly, augmented reality (AR) in urban planning presents virtual overlays of proposed projects onto physical sites, enabling stakeholders to visualize changes in real time.

Why should we learn?

Mastery of phygital convergence is crucial for professionals in retail, marketing, urban planning, entertainment, and education. It offers innovative ways to enhance customer experience, operational efficiency, and engagement. As consumer expectations evolve towards more immersive and interactive experiences, understanding how to integrate digital technologies with physical environments becomes a competitive advantage.

Where to learn?

Explore courses on digital transformation, AR, and IoT offered by online learning platforms like Coursera and Udemy. Digital marketing institutes and tech innovation hubs frequently offer webinars and workshops on creating phygital experiences. Additionally, attending industry conferences on retail innovation, urban planning, and digital technology can provide valuable insights and networking opportunities with pioneers in phygital convergence.

5. Cybersecurity

As the pace of digital transformation quickens, the landscape of cyber threats becomes increasingly complex. Cybersecurity is the practice of safeguarding systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks, which aim to access, alter, or destroy sensitive information, extort money from users, or interrupt normal business processes.


A significant advancement in cybersecurity practices is the adoption of Zero Trust architectures. This approach operates under the assumption that no entity, whether inside or outside the network, is automatically trustworthy. Implementing Zero Trust architectures involves rigorous identity verification, minimal privilege access, and continuous network activity monitoring, strengthening an organization’s defense against cyber threats.

Why should we learn?

In today’s digital age, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. With cyber threats becoming more sophisticated and pervasive, proficiency in cybersecurity measures is essential for protecting sensitive data and maintaining the integrity of IT systems across all industries. Developing skills in cybersecurity not only contributes to safeguarding organizational assets but also opens up a wide range of career opportunities in this high-demand field.

Where to learn?

For those interested in diving into cybersecurity, numerous educational platforms offer courses ranging from foundational principles to advanced tactics. Cybrary, HacktheBox, Udacity, and Coursera are notable for their comprehensive cybersecurity courses covering ethical hacking, information security, and network defense topics. These courses are designed and taught by seasoned industry professionals and provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills through hands-on projects and simulations.

The technologies are reshaping our world, offering exciting opportunities for those ready to dive in and learn. Whether your goal is to elevate your career, transition into a cutting-edge field, or explore the frontiers of technology out of sheer curiosity, delving into these domains equips you with the skills and knowledge to thrive. The path to mastering these technologies is rich with resources, from online courses and webinars to hands-on projects and community forums, all designed to support your learning journey.

Let curiosity be your guide, dedication your companion, and the pursuit of knowledge your roadmap to success in the dynamic realm of technology.

Happy learning!


  1. Five tech trends for 2024 | University of Technology Sydney (uts.edu.au)
  2. The Top 5 Tech Trends In 2024 Everyone Must Be Ready For (forbes.com) — Bernard Marr (https://youtu.be/7hyVqOvGbAE)
  3. Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends 2024

